सिविल अँग्रेजी ५ - भाग - 10 (Civil English 5 - Part - 10)
Interchange of Exclamatory and Assertive Sentences Part - 3

Posted on January 7th, 2019 | Create PDF File


Interchange of Exclamatory and Assertive Sentences

Part - 3




Rule - अगर Exclamatory Sentences ; 'Alas' से प्रारम्भ हो तो Assertive Sentence बनाते समय 'It is sad' से/'Hurrah' से आरम्भ हो तो Assertive Sentence बनाते समय 'It is a matter of joy' से /और 'Bravo' से आरम्भ हो तो Assertive Sentence बनाते समय 'It is a matter of praise' से वाक्य प्रारम्भ करते हैं।  




1. Exclamatory :- Alas ! she died so young.


   Assertive :- It is sad that she died so young.







2. Exclamatory :- Hurrah ! my old friend has come.


   Assertive :- It is a matter of joy that my old friend has come.







3. Exclamatory :- Bravo ! you have done well.


   Assertive :- It is a matter of praise that you have done well.







4. Exclamatory :- Alas ! I am ruined.


   Assertive :- It is sad that I am ruined.







5. Exclamatory :- Bravo ! you have secured first position.


   Assertive :- It is a matter or praise that you have secured first position.